Current Openings

Associate or Full Professor

美国世界杯压球平台世界杯压球平台诊断医学/病理生物学系招收临床医学硕士研究生 12-month, tenure-track or tenured Associate Professor/ Full Professor Faculty position with a primary emphasis in basic, 新发和/或人畜共患细菌或病毒病原体的机理研究. 该职位还将担任NIH COBRE中心(新发和人畜共患传染病中心; The expected start date for this position is as early as January 2023. 成功的申请人必须有丰富的经验,领导一个富有成效的研究项目,证明:(i) longstanding support from NIAID, NIGMS or similar funding programs; (ii) a robust record of training graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and junior faculty; and (iii) high-impact peer-reviewed publications. 优先考虑在研究中使用动物模型并专注于新兴和/或人畜共患传染病的申请人. 这个职位大约60- 70%的工作是研究, 10-20% administration, 5-10 % graduate teaching, and 5-10 % non-directed service. Information about the department is available at:

For more information and to apply:

K-State Careers

Assistant Professor


Faculty position “Zoonotic Viral Diseases”
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (UCVM) at the University of Calgary invites applications for a full-time Academic position in Zoonotic Viral Diseases. The successful candidate will be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor (tenure track). 预计开始日期为2024年7月1日,或双方商定的更早日期.

Position Description and Associated Responsibilities
The selected applicant will be an emerging leader in the area of Zoonotic Viral Diseases可能对人类和动物健康造成永久性威胁的流行病/大流行性病毒. The selected applicant will have extensive expertise in infection pathogenesis, prevention and control, including, but not limited to, cutting-edge vaccine development, therapeutic drug discovery, sensitive diagnostic tools, environmental monitoring strategies, or evolution of emerging viruses at the human-animal interface. 被选中的申请人需要建立一个外部资助的研究项目 transdisciplinary 并可能与世界杯压球平台目前在感染生物学研究方面的优势互补和合作, Medicine (CSM), Science and Engineering (SSE). There are cutting-edge core facilities in place, including for research with small and large animal models, and a newly renovated Containment Level 3 facility. In addition to fostering a thriving training program, the selected candidate will participate in undergraduate, DVM program and graduate level teaching.

Position Requirements

  • PhD and possible DVM or equivalent
  • 传染病/病毒性疾病研究博士后研究经历
  • 有出版记录和获得外部资金的潜力

The selected applicant will join the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, with the possibility for adjunct appointments at other Faculties. 研究环境是多学科的,优先考虑跨学科的研究活动. 被选中的申请人需要表现出与UCVM和卡尔加里大学的研究人员建立联系的能力和意愿. Experience with lecturing and innovative educational approaches, course development and coordination, 在本科和研究生教学中表现出影响力的记录将是一项资产. 被选中的申请人还将有机会参与影响UCVM社区的行政和服务活动.

How to Apply
Please apply online via the ‘Apply Now’ link. 请注意,申请过程只允许四个附件(这可能需要您合并文件). A complete application should include:

  • 求职信和简历,包括三位推荐人的姓名和世界杯压球平台
  • 研究兴趣、成就和愿景陈述(最多2页)
  • Statement of teaching philosophy (maximum of 2 pages)
  • Statement on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (maximum of 1 page)

Questions may be addressed to:
Hermann M. Schaetzl, at

Application Deadline: December 22, 2023 (or until being filled)

Information about the faculty
UCVM是一个高度研究活跃的教师,目前有七个有组织的研究小组, which includes the Infection Biology Research Group. UCVM一直名列国际世界杯压球平台前40名, with an increasing sponsored research funding. 目前,UCVM有11位研究主席,其中4位是加拿大研究主席. UCVM has approximately 80 faculty members, 150 staff, 150 graduate students, 35 post-doctoral fellows, and 15 advanced clinical trainees. UCVM的DVM计划每年为50名学生提供全面的普通兽医教育, currently expanding to 100 students. 学院的描述,它的项目,和它的部门可以在

The University of Calgary has launched an institution-wide Indigenous Strategy committing to creating a rich, vibrant, 文化上有竞争力的校园,欢迎和支持土著人民, encourages Indigenous community partnerships, is inclusive of Indigenous perspectives in all that we do.

As an equitable and inclusive employer, 卡尔加里大学认识到,多元化的教职员工有益于并丰富了工作, 整个校园和更大社区的学习和研究经验. 我们致力于消除我们社会中一些人在历史上遇到的障碍. 我们努力招聘能够进一步增强我们的多样性的人才,并在他们就读期间为他们的学术和职业成功提供支持. In particular, we encourage members of the designated groups (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible/racialized minorities, and diverse sexual orientation and gender identities) to apply. To ensure a fair and equitable assessment, 我们在招聘过程的任何阶段为残疾申请人提供住宿. Questions regarding [diversity] EDI at UCalgary can be sent to the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion ( and requests for accommodations can be sent to Human Resources (

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. In this connection, at the time of your application, 请回答以下问题:你是加拿大公民还是加拿大永久居民? (Yes/No)

Additional Information

了解更多世界杯压球平台卡尔加里大学的学术机会和我们所提供的一切, view our Academic Careers website. For more information visit Careers in the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.



About the University of Calgary

UCalgary是加拿大的创业型大学,位于加拿大最具创业精神的城市. 它是一所顶尖的研究型大学,也是同时代排名最高的大学之一. Founded in 1966, its 36,000 students experience an innovative learning environment, made rich by research, hands-on experiences and entrepreneurial thinking. It is Canada’s leader in the creation of start-ups. Start something today at the University of Calgary. For more information, visit

About Calgary, Alberta

卡尔加里是世界上最干净的城市之一,多年来一直被评为世界上最宜居的城市之一. 卡尔加里是一个商业、社区、慈善和志愿服务领域的领袖城市. 卡尔加里人受益于越来越多的世界级餐饮和文化活动,每年享受比任何其他加拿大主要城市更多的阳光. 卡尔加里距离雄伟的落基山脉不到一个小时的车程,拥有北美最广泛的城市道路和自行车道网络.

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