Dr. Richt


Center of Excellence for Zoonotic Infectious Diseases



CEZID logoAbout Us

The Center on Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (CEZID), based at Kansas State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine, is led by Dr. Juergen Richt, the Director. Dr. Richt is an internationally recognized virologist who holds the title of Regents Distinguished Professor of Veterinary Medicine at Kansas State University.

The Center focuses on four primary research projects bridging areas of excellence within the Infectious Disease programs at the KSU Colleges of Veterinary Medicine and Arts and Sciences.


CEZID/CBID Distinguished Speaker Seminar Series
BSL-3 Training Program
Current Openings
Dr. Juergen RichtDr. Juergen Richt

Our Research

CEZID research projects examine virulence factors and host-pathogen interactions of various pathogens, utilizing both basic and translational approaches in in vitro systems and in animal models. The overarching goal of the CEZID is to advance our understanding of emerging and zoonotic infectious diseases in the State of Kansas. Our goals are also clearly aligned with NIH’s strategic plan “Turning Discovery into Health”. Two research core facilities support the research projects and programs. An Animal Model/Pathology Core and a Molecular and Cellular Biology Core offer unique research infrastructure resources within KSU and the State of Kansas.